Having obtained a favourable price for natural gas, far below of its cost on the World markets the Ukrainian nationalist regime embarked on a dangerous course of confrontation with Moscow. President Yushchenko and his men want to oust the Russian Navy out of the Crimea by attacking and seizing Russian military facilities. Last Friday, a group of militants captured the lighthouse in Yalta. The seizure got full support from the Department of External Affaires in Kiev. Monday, a group of militants was video and photo recording a Russian radio navigation station near Genichensk. There is no doubt they are preparing to invade Mars-75 after they failed to infiltrate it Sunday. Yesterday, security guards of Mars-75 prevented an attempt of five unknown people to get onto its grounds. It is widely believed that all attackers belong to an extremist group “Student Brotherhood” trained and guided by the ruling regime. The invasion of the Yalta lighthouse paralysed hydrographical services it provided to all navigators in the area. The General Department for Navigation and Oceanography at the Ministry of Defence of Russia is warning its customers all over the World that the area around Yalta is dangerous for sailing due to irresponsible behaviour of the Ukrainian nationalists. The General Department for Navigation and Oceanography issues maps and sailing directions. They are being used by many captains and militaries including the mock “Ukrainian Navy”.
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