The Blog is about events in the Crimea and the Ukraine.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Three pro-Russian militants in Sevastopol have been detained today for interrogation. The People Front “Sevastopol-Crimea-Russia” held a press conference Friday to announce its further steps in a new campaign to put an end to the Ukrainian domination in the Crimea. The organizers said they were planning to send a petition to Russian president Vladimir Putin. They wish to convince the Russian leader to resolve the Crimean problem through international legal proceedings. After the press conference, plain-clothed police officers approached two militants Serov and Bystrikov. They were taken to the militia (police) headquarters for interrogation. Veteran pro-Russian activist Alexander Kruglov was also interrogated. All three were then released. Crimean pro-Russian organizations fear a crack down on their activities. The orange regime in Kiev is scared by the recent growth of anti-Ukrainian sentiments among young Crimeans.


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