The Blog is about events in the Crimea and the Ukraine.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


The crowd near a military sanatorium in the Crimean city of Pheodosia cheered Sunday as US marines were leaving the building. The stand-off that had lasted since May 27 seems to be over. The US decided to call off the military exercises in the Crimea that caused mass protests of the local population. The first group of reservists departed the Crimea Sunday. Reports say they left for a base in Germany. The second group is following them Monday. Crimean protesters are celebrating the victory. “It is a first time when Americans back off under pressure from the local population in a foreign land”, says the Crimean Committee in its statement released Monday. The Crimean Committee notes that the victory in the standoff with NATO coincides with the Feast of Pentecost. The group suggests that from now on the Pentacost become a special holiday in the Crimea. However, protests at the gate of the port of Pheodosia are not over. Local residents continue to block all exits. According to Ukrainian MP Yuri Boldyrev, “the NATO troops are leaving because of civic position of Ukrainian and Crimean population. But the blockade of the port will continue because a law on military exercises can be pushed through Parliament. It would allow a new deployment of US marines. Although Crimeans are celebrating their victory, the picketers do not relax”.


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