The Blog is about events in the Crimea and the Ukraine.

Monday, September 19, 2005



Prime minister of the Crimea stunned Monday journalists and many Crimea watchers by announcing that the peninsula is under the threat of «a "corruptional” coup d’état ». Speaking at a press conference in Simferopol, the Crimean capital, Mr. Matvienko stated that unnamed successors of the criminal gangs that had operated in the 90s, were bracing for a takeover. He called on Kiev to take tough measures to reverse the sliding of the Crimea to the hands of crime bosses. Matvienko only read his statement and refused to take questions from about 100 journalists. US run Radio Liberty put the story on the Matvienko’s shocking statement on the top of its newscast in the Internet. Matvienko said that the Crimean Parliament should set up a special commission to “defend the constitutional order in the Ukriane”. The Prime Minister also implied that he does not trust the security establishment in the Crimea adding that there activities should be investigated by the Ukrainian Security and Defence Council. Many observers are convinced that the coup d’état statement is nothing but exit strategy concocted by Matvienko to justify his imminent resignation. Wednesday, Matvienko is scheduled to submit to the Crimean Parliament a report on his performances at the head of the cabinet. Many MPs are so angry at Matvienko that a no-confidence vote seems to be inevitable. Analysts suggest that 80% of MPs would vote to send Matvienko packing.


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