The Blog is about events in the Crimea and the Ukraine.

Friday, July 15, 2005


Former Prime-Minister of the Crimea Serguey Kunitsyn has been interrogated Friday by authorities investigating cases of corruption. Some sources say that Kunitsyn signed a pledge not to leave Simferopol during the investigation. The local branch of the People Democratic Party has flatly rejected these allegations. The party has pointed out that its Crimean leader visited the Prosecutor’s Office as “a witness”. The majority of officials who had supported Victor Yanukovitch at the presidential elections last year were formally accused of corruption. Criminal charges were laid against most of them. They were summoned first to the Prosecutor’s Office as witnesses. Some were arrested on the spot and sent to jail. Member of the Verkhovnaya Rada (Ukrainian Legislation) from the Crimea Yefim Fix said Friday that the Ukraine is becoming a police state. He accused the regime of using the fight against corruption to crack down against its opponents, notably the Social-Democratic Party of the Ukraine. Mr. Fix is the leader of the SDP local branch.


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